Unlike the Self-Improvement Meetup, Deep Talks is a closed integration, circling & mastermind event for the members of the Thriving Individuals community. The participants have the opportunity to meet and talk in high-trust environment, and figure out solutions to their current challenges with the rest of the group.
Deep Talks is a place where our members can be vulnerable with their share our deepest thoughts, and difficult experiences, and get constructive feedback from the community. It creates a space of sharing — something much needed in the modern world.
We believe that the more alienated the society, the easier it is to enslave it. Networks of trust and relationships create natural enclaves of autonomy from government power. This is why totalitarian governments always try to destroy these connections. By establishing spaces of honesty, listening, and understanding, we are creating natural bastions of immunity against tyranny and propaganda.
Help us empower free people all around the world.