Joint projects

To achieve greater impact, we frequently partner with organizations that could help us in achieving our goals, and people who share our values.

Cycle Freedom

Cycle is a yearly entrepreneurship camp in Lithuania. It is extremely practical and workshop-oriented, and teaches not only business skills, but most of all entrepreneurial thinking.

It is founded and run by a group of successful international businessmen, who have built their businesses from scratch, and are sharing their experience with the next generation of entrepreneurs. The knowledge is free of charge, the participants only have to pay for food and lodging at an inexpensive resort in Lithuania, and cover their travel costs.

The philosophy of Cycle Freedom is that financial freedom is a key component of personal freedom, and that entrepreneurship is the best way to achieve it. This is a perspective that we deeply share.

Thriving Individuals are proud to support the camp, promoting it, and sending our members every year to help them accelerate their wealth creation journeys.

To learn more about Cycle Freedom, click here.

Cycle Freedom

Rob Duffy's Coaching Practice

Rob Duffy is a professional "freedom coach", who specializes in helping people achieve their goals, and become more successful in their personal and professional lives.

Multiple Thriving Individuals have pioneered in prototype editions of Rob's special growth programs such as "Smash Your Resistance", and have found them to be deeply transformative. We are proud to have Rob as a partner, and we recommend his services to our members.

To learn more about Rob Duffy's coaching practice, click here.

Rob Duffy

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